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Why is Java Script considered as the future?

Java Script is a light weight, object-oriented programming language with top built-in functions and is best known as a scripting language for webpages. But, it is also used in many non-browsing environments as well.

Java Script is ruling the digital world today. Web pages, mobile apps, cloud services, IOT Devices – they all rely more and more on Java Script. The importance of Java Script as a web technology can be determined from the fact that it is currently used in 94.5% of all websites present on the internet. This explains a lot, right? Understanding and learning Java Script is vitally important for everyone related to the IT hub.

Let’s explore some reasons for the tremendous popularity and success of Java Script –

  • Platform Independence

Java Script is a universal language. Having the entire codebase on this language comes with its own benefits. You can reuse a lot of code. You can use the same packages for all your projects, same package manager, task runner, module bundler, libraries and all the other tools and services you can think of. There’s no need to re-write the same code each time on a new platform.

  • Implement Client-Side Scripts

Initially designed as a client-side scripting language, a large percentage of websites still use Java script for the same. Developers can easily write custom client-side scripts in Java Script and seamlessly integrate these scripts into HTML.

  • Enables Server-Side Code Writing

Web Developers can also write server-side code in Java Script using a cross platform runtime engine like Node.js. Node.js executes the Java Script codes efficiently and smoothly without relying on external web sources owing to the built-in libraries it provides. Hence web developers can use Node.js to write both Client-Side and Server-Side code in Java Script.

  • Simplifying Complex Application Design

Despite being an interpreted programming language, complex web application development can be simplified by Java Script by allowing developers to simplify the application composition. Programmers can use Java Script libraries to create shadow DOM (Document Object Module) boundaries, which simplifies the application’s structure and dissever components of individual Java Script libraries.

  • Numerous Transpilers

Java Script is a light-weight programming language. It lacks some of the advanced and robust features provided by modern programming languages like Java and C#. But developers can easily extend Java Script by using various transpilers like CoffeeScript, TypeScript, DukeScript etc. Each transpiler enables the developer to meet the requirements of large and heavy applications.  

  • Responsive Web Designs

Developers nowadays adopt responsive web design to make a website accessible and attractive across multiple browsers and devices. Responsive Web Design enables the developer to optimize a website for both computers and mobile devices using the same codebase.

  • Fully-Featured Libraries and Frameworks

The web developers can easily extend the functionality of Java Script by using numerous libraries and frameworks. Libraries like Angular JS and Ember enables the developers to add functionality to complex web applications without having the need to write additional code.

  • Consistent Evolution

As mentioned earlier, Java Script lacks some advanced features provided by modern programming languages like multithreading and file read/write option. But the programming language has been evolving consistently to meet the emerging trends of web application development.

Java Script has proved to stand out of the many strong and powerful languages, and is turning out to be the universal language for developers. It’s potential for the future is enormous as its functionality tends to ease the work of programmers. You can’t avoid it, so why not master it.

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