Passing Navigation props to screen : Part 14
Passing Navigation props to screen – Open View Video.js file and get props video id . so our code should be to get value.
so add
- const videoId = this.props.navigation.state.params.vidid;
Now we can call { vidid } and use to display videoid which is clicked on VideoList page. So to check it
Now in return we will call vidid in Text
So change Text like this
- <Text>{vidid}</Text>
Now refresh simulator and click on button of any video you will see that video id on that page
Now import WebView from react-native
WebView use to embed any url on page . It is same like we use iframe in normal html code. So we will use youtube embed url to embed video here using this component
Now in return add this code
- <WebView
- source={{ uri: ‘’ + videoId }}
- />