Calling Screens in Stack Navigator : Part 11
Calling Screens In Stack Navigator- Here one need to notice. When we use navigation we should call all component through navigator props. If you will include direct then props...
Calling Screens In Stack Navigator- Here one need to notice. When we use navigation we should call all component through navigator props. If you will include direct then props...
Calling component by navigation props- So first open App.js . In this file we have called Index component so now we will call this using navigation here So make...
Creating Component To Display Video – So I added further now we wil make a new file in components folder ViewVideo.js Now we will start adding code in that...
Passing Navigation props to screen – Open View Video.js file and get props video id . so our code should be to get value. this.props.navigation.state.params.vidid; so add const videoId =...
Modifying Navigation & Header – Copy api key and add in ViewVideo youtube parameter which was null. Now your code is ready to play video. But you can see...
Steps to upgrade Online CRM to Dynamics 365 – Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM out into the market and to use new features like field services etc, you have to upgrade...
Adding Content Templates to Editor in Kentico 9 – It’s handy to adding site typography as content templates in Kentico CKeditor. Follow steps given below to add and customize...
Connection from PHP to Microsoft Dynamics CRMThis time we will learn how to connect Microsoft dynamics CRM using PHP code. Microsoft dynamics CRM soap service can be a way to make...
Dynamics CRM 2015 setup a demo Virtual Machine. With most MicroSoft products this is pretty easy to setting up, but Dynamics has a more heavier requirements list. The prerequisites include: Windows...